SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

You are not getting protection from me who said you will get it ? Cs’ed alch ofc will not heal a bd

It more sounds like an assassin trying to get their kill off before death

I also have a feeling that kill is going to be me.

are any gms there with the :b:oat count

Yep i am asassin i made a mistake with claiming alch d1 at least i will get my kill today

You know if we had a healer they could heal you while you stoneskin and then that proves me while your still alive?

So you will not be proven kitten

I just gave up now bcs my life was ended at 300. post

I’m sorry but I had to do it please forgive me :frowning:

Everyone trying to lynch captain has either not paid attention to the game or is trying to look for towncred. We need captain alive to confirm both FK and Tech. If captain dies tonight through immunity we know FK tells the truth about their class.

However we need someone to roleblock captain before they revenge bomb someone. And possibly an observer to see that tech is the one that attacks captain and not someone else.


Not my alch!

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/execute pls


is captain on trial already?

Unlike others, I do not need to get towncred.

/vote Marcus

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I dont think there is a triall today.

That will be Marcus then.

just to make sure

/vote marcus

even tho I was susp about sam’s lack of activity he made some good points about marcus

Hmm yes, I am pleased.

Thx for your try my king but there is no way i will live this