SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

we really need to confirm FK because if he says the truth about their class his night ability can help us win this fast.


I kindve feel bad for captain here. He seems genuinely sincere. So I give him a piece of good advice

If I were you I would revenge bomb litten


What you mean is it’s pure skill me confirming those evils :wink:

Oh that’s why htms my merc!

Death angel!

Don’t get me wrong I feel bad to. :frowning:

someone please occupy or force captain to target someone susp so this doesnt happen pls


we are going through all this hassle to confirm FK as a bd investigative just so they end up bombed?

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It’s why I made htm a death angel. I’m fine.

Is that just me or is that impossible?

What is impossible?

I told htm to become my merc

I don’t know abilities so just guessing

Well i was going to bomb kitten but if bd tries that much to confirm him/her s/he will be protected.So I have better person in mind.

I’m sorry and I hope you don’t hate me because of this D:

So what I read is basically

We are voting Marcus (don’t know why but I will prolly :sheep: FK cause my goal is to keep him alive)
We have EoD lunch

no plz

stay away from my target plz

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you could have picked a really powerful bd class and you decided to become the merc of someone that we are suspicious of and hasn’t yet been confirmed?


Don’t worry I wouldn’t be rude as scum to ask him to be my merc.

It will still backfire.

Tbf… it’s FK’s fault I was going to become an OP alch

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