SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

That’s just meme being meme. If anything it’s Town AI of him.

Do you want to be lynched or the neutral king… I advise the neutral king.


Do I sheep my target or go with my read :thinking:

Who’s your target? Did you create a merc for yourself :man_facepalming:

No I am a merc for FK

I am a death angel

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Can you win with BD :thinking:

I really don’t want to execute this. I really want to pardon and go for a safer execute such as meme.

No u

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You do what you gotta do.

Me, I am honestly not concerned of the danger.

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Can you /pardon please Mr. Dreamer? Me want dream tonight too!

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There’s one way to do that, it’s not hard.

I thought ur neuts in :thinking:

/pardon, we have the wrong person on the stand

Well the world got rough so :man_shrugging:

Ur family rough

And I saw that edit >:(


Thanks boo

I can decide dis fate and you cant lynch me tomorrow :thinking:

If FK is claiming Uzu, then we have better ways for him to get confirmed than csing a class that may or may not be death immune.