SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!



You’re fucking stupid
Being dumb is not a bait
Go ahead and try

What happened to the nice bird :frowning:


I see what you mean, I suppose I just disagree with him saying that the lynch on Captain isn’t the best option today

look, you talk agin :thinking:

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@Marluxion do I still die if say 12 people are pardoning? Would they be poor fellowed?

Ah nevermind, my wagonees would get PFed, so don’t answer my 2nd question

Sean Kingston jetski accident


You have to post stuff like tree different pencil sharpners

Make up absurd replacements for swearing

Meme as neut king will just Meme and RVS and not cooperate

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Honestly. If it were up to me, I’d remove starting Neutral King and make it 60-65% Good 35-40% evil


Lol get outta here scum

I can understand your argument of getting Marcus out, but as it’s Day 1, we haven’t even checked :b:anyone yet, and we have a self-claimed Neutral King who is uncheckable, unCSable, and very swingy, ESPECIALLY concerning that it"s :b:emesky, so I say we save Marcus for tomorrow and get Meme out first

So we can get another unconfirmed guy as King tomorrow?

Gr8 plan. At least wait untill we have someone confirmed first numbskulleroonis.

And everyone who has ever played 1 game with me knows I fucking haaaaaate Neutral wimpy ass Kings. But we have 2 NK’s and 2 scum factions to deal with. Fucking memesky is hardly anything to worry about.

I guarantee the number of scum on the memesky push will be huge. It’s so easy to say “get teh neut King” as scum.


alright, then we’ll save the throne for someone :b:onfirmed, I’m switching my vote to

/execute until another reason comes up to abstain

sorry :b:arcus

And can we prod some :b:eople, we have a fair amount of inactives


/abstain (I don’t have leads)


Marcus claimed an easy to claim class and if we leave him without saying damapastas. We could get him modkilled