SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

because of Frostwolf

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and you sir got a lot of explaining to do

Okay in short, designwise:

In my faction a YOUNGEST one is converter.
Meaning that if we find the youngest one, they cannot convert anymore, since there is no mechanism to exchange the eevee if they died early.

So we need to root out whoever was converted last night?

That’s also why pokemon trainer was killing people AFTER A NIGHT.

To give eevee a time to convert someone if he caught them.

Or root down others for long enough till, it will be possible to root out youngest. Yeah.

But now we don’t have Ash Ketchum anymore

if anyone has a revive ability we need Insanity back

Also: Only one eeveelution can kill per night, but each of them can bypass different type of protection.

I read up, but Sylveon can take any form of attack?

although according to your rules only YOU could be Sylveon

With 1-day and 1-night cooldown.

Sylveon is op and shit cause of that.

.+ he most likely wouldn’t be attacki ng, but converting if eevee died.

so as long as you don’t becomw converted, as long as we kill Eevee (not @eevee) we should be good

So yeah, I should die pretty soon considering that if I get converted and become Sylveon, I would become a “backup” converter.

Yep, that’s in short.

Hmm he is neut does neuts can be revived ? I thought only bd will be revived ?

Depends on the class reviving him, prolly.
And he is neutral to be immune to eeveelution convert.

Tho I really recomend just reading up on eeveelutions.

Didn’t Htm claim a class that can transform into some class? He could have transformed into another MM? I am not sure if we can already assume that one scum faction is out. It was also not stated what number scum factions start with or if they are capped, was it?

We also cannot be sure Rogue tried to kill ici and died that way, he could have been converted this night… but that means only techwolves could have killed ici with CS, so likely Rogue did attack Ici, so unseen probably started with 3 members?

It’s good that we know that eeveelutions are the other scum faction though. That means that we have narrowed it down to unseen + Eeveelutions + 2 NK’s at least.

In short, find the Eevee and we’ll be set?

Yep, but that transforming class could have been a fakeclaim all along.

Which is why I’d say that there may still be one Unseen member alive if HTM was the original MM and converted someone before he died, presuming Rogue was a third starting Unseen. Tech attacked Captain with CS, not Ici. Rogue was also suspicious in my book with his neutrality on Marcus and I have good reason to believe that Unseen did start with three people.

Right now Unseen should only have 1 person, and that is if HTM converted anyone, or nobody if they failed the conversion.

Still, I suggest pressuring FK right now. According to him all attacks last night should have bypassed night immunity. Since Captain and Squid are still alive I really doubt he is telling the truth, especially with his d1 behavior.

I haven’t seen you vote Litten yet though