SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Eeveelution offenssive

Too many eeveelutions (passive) - Only one member of eeveelutions can perform a killing action each night.
Ice Fang (night) - Bite the player, killing and occupying them.

Blizzard (night) - Freeze a player and all visitors, occupying them and preventing from using day abilities tommorow. - 2 uses
Mirror Coat (day) - Tonight all actions used on you will be reflected back to users. - 1 use

This isn’t too much of a reach here, as we had 2 faction kills, 2 NK kills, 1 kill from Ici’s passive, and we had this un-explained 6th kill here.

This would make sense. If this is the case, we have an eevee, a glaceon, and an unknown eeveelution


what i doing last day can support my class
1: trying to get scorned to claim, if they say i am not one of they target = lie
2: rowlet is better than litten
3: trying to convice you guy to not waste protective on me and stuff like that

/Vote Celeste you can tell us your target or get hung and hope we don’t hang your target later.

I agree with putting pressure on Celeste atm. We need to know who her target is. If it is someone who is a scum lean, then we will hang her.

/vote Celeste

can we really beliver sarun here? you too litten

Well, reveal then.

Your honestly questioning alot of the things we are doing right now. Yesterday you wanted Celeste to be lynched and now you are questioning it. Thats incredibly weird and scummy imo.

this one

It’s still citizen.

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So reveal like Livicius did.

i want celeste lynch correct, that don’t mean i beliver you guy

all citizen are affect by this? i only got sleep peacefully message

A random Citizen-esque-class will have their class changed to ‘Innocent Child’ tonight. In addition to this, all direct faction checks will give a ‘Blue Dragon’ result, regardless of the actual result.

So no, only Livi gets that bonus.


If you want to be innocent child right now, that will confirm you.

/vote Celeste

I’d imagine we should let FK live for a while. We can explain away Captain, and especially Squid not dying due to abilities that can prevent and redirect. And if he is a real BD, then we can basically use him to find one scum per night or so.

Celeste is already somewhat scummy in my book, but IMO the reward here of keeping FK alive in the event that he turns out BD is greater than the risk if he turns out scum.

I dont get it is firekitten uzu or no

A random Citizen-esque-class will have their class changed to ‘Innocent Child’ tonight. In addition to this, all direct faction checks will give a ‘Blue Dragon’ result, regardless of the actual result.

Emphasis on the indefinite article a.


Ah okay, didn’t read that.

won’t that result in mod-kill too?