SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Umm boss claimed to have a day vig no?

Would I of all people claim a Phys-Alch :thinking:

Yes, cause you’re scum

He is already hammered m8

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Oh well, guess I can’t be dayvigged :3

I’m investing you tonight to see if you are fool or masochist and then were gonna kill you in the way you cant win.

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What if I’m neither tho?

Then you’re a moron

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No offense.

None taken, I guess I would lose in both cases if I got dayvigged, so please don’t do that :frowning:

speaking of that don’t you have a mystic link or something?

NuclearBurrito is now on trial. The trial will end in 24 hours or when a verdict reaches majority.

oh I forgot FoL still had trials



/pardon Fik you

i don’t have dayvig stop ping me

As far I am aware, these abilities are not for single player.


Problem is, we have no reason to believe this since you are not confirmed. While mastermind dying n1 could be because of an uzu, it could have died from other sources and the fact that the person that was supposed to confirm you was killed last night makes you look suspicious.
Honestly my reads on you are kind of mixed right now, but that means I cannot trust you yet.
