SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Ohnoes broooken

maxi is ded anyway

Y’all deserve yo die ok I’m out

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What a teamplayer.

Cool, I want to die

murder im

Why is firekitten always so bad and relying on mechanical confirmation

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Commit die

No you caught a scum if you are modkilled :clap:

I’m sorry Max for forcing you to modkill self, but it’s awlays better then hitting poor fellow passive.

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in what way did u force maxi

Max loses now tho

Be proud that you caught a scum. Stop insulting people because that’s rude. And just be happy that if your modkilled dama is scum.

Lmao you’re probably the scun but idc

I don’t want to deal with you

I’ll probably be killing firekitten N1 if I can from now on

he’s not he’s proven. Stop insulting people thanks :clap:

How’s he proven again

My original play was to piss people off and I even I don’t insult them

As a wise person once said


maxi is scummy through and through.
no need to try and stop the scum, unless u can mute him or something, you wont stop him.

Dude just stop being a jerk it’s not that hard.