SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Nope, he died to me, I’m sure Prince is dead

Then what the hell was hippo`s logs then?

There’s no feedback in this match, so I don’t think you saw the prevention message.

I have no idea… all I know was that I killed Hippo and Cheesy and that there was nothing that prevented me from doing so, unless if it was a mod error

Even if you did kill him, it still makes boss look scum.

@ashe @Marluxion majority?

At this point, Boss looks 100% scum.

I want to pardon this and actually get scum, im still not sure of Max and what he is right now, and im not willing the take a risk with a potential myslynch at all.

There is still a scum among Dama/Max.

I don’t see a safer lynch rn.

You checked Eevee, so for the scum it should be either Max or Dama. In Dama’s posts there is some information and analysis, so at this point it’s likely Max.

Boss is basically scum at this point.

He could be faking it. He may not be faking it. Ill check one of them tonight to confirm, but Boss at this point of time is 100% scum.

that’s cuz I NEVER DIE!!!


Get Out, your dead m8.

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Explain your Boss = scum thing.

It’s not my fault the majority on Max’s wagon should have ended faster as that was intentional to keep one of the scumbuddies alive. So look for the unvoters

What if squid just wasn’t notified that they were prevented and the prince happened to kill him :thinking:

Fk had a check yesterday that either boss, celeste or sarun was scum. Sarun is honestly confirmed at this point due to him killing captain, but i stil have sus on him. Celeste soft claimed being role blocked, which is why she stated that there was a vaporeon, flareon and glaceon, because she was occupied, and they are the only eeveelutions that can do it, with glaceon being the only direct one. The reason why she is alive if their was a glaceon, was if she stoneskinned, which meant she could have been occupied, but not killed, unless the death immunity was piereced. If this is right, Boss looks to be scum more likely than not.

Thats what we are saying, due to limited feedback. This got hammered too fast, and Boss looks to confirmed scum at this point and should be hanged today.

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You forget this is no feedback game right?