SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Just making sure, are you neut?

Because HTM was mm

Because he changed your win condition like you asked him to? remember?

Htm was in fact mm but it doesnt fucking matter

Unless u trying to say that unseen has a 4 player limit in this game mode

Theres legit no way ANYONE could be unseen

Here is the thing thou, marcus was lynched and he was assassin, which gave us 2 unseen. Its a possibility.

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Im taking in every piece of info rn that i can and trying to find the best course of action.

Also objection! Why would htm use foresight on you. who claimed neutral.

I rest my case.

Unseen died D2 boys

Marcus was starting assassin
Htm was the starting MM
Rogue was the n1 convert

If rogue was n1 convert, then Sam was trying to get you killed then. Which now makes sam look questionable if you are still your d1 role.

Marcus died Day two, leaving the convert to go assassin.
Rogue died Night two, leaving no assassins.
htm died Day Three, leaving no Unseen since he couldn’t convert Night two

Um, marcus died d1, rogue died n1 along with htm.

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They were all dead by d2

Same thing

Convert happens after death.
Therefore. He wasn’t converted

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But doesnt that clear celeste, because HTM died and could not get the convert off if sam`s telling the truth?

No that means that they were converted N1? wait he said N2…

who foresights a outted neutral

It makes no goddamn sense. I think Sam may have bull shitted us.