SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

BTW Memesky’s Journal

Memesky the Kang!
N1 - Debt Boss
N2 - Debt Firekitten


@light_ethos @Whammerist @MtheJoker

None of these players have indicated the will to keep playing and as such, they will be promptly annihilated.

Wham was

The Drunk

Blue Dragon Offensive
Royal Blood (Passive) - You can step up to become the new King earlier than other players.
I am the Liquor (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Debauchery (Night) - Get in a player’s way, causing them to target you. You are immune to all attacks and conversions redirected to you. - Infinite uses
Happy Hour (Night) - Occupy a player, and disable any death or occupy immunity they have for the night. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Ethos was

#1 Gamethrowing Class

Blue Dragon Support
Pants on Fire (Day) - The target player will target themselves if they attempt to use a day ability today. - 2 uses
Magical Barrier (Night) - Protect a player from negative effects and conversion tonight. Does not prevent attacks. - Infinite uses
Ice Ward (Night) - Prevent anyone else from visiting your target. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Joker was


Blue Dragon Social

Train (Day) Gain a new ability. Your class type will change to reflect this change. (1 use)

Serve Wine (Night) Changes class type to Offensive Same as Butler (1 use)

Follow (Night) Changes class type to Investigative Same as Observer (1 use)

Heal (Night) Changes class type to Support Same as Physician (1 use)

BD Goal


A Dreaming God has invoked the Delirium incantation

All players targets will be changed randomly tonight.


Night has been extended as I did not have my computer last night since i’m a dingus who forgot his charger

Night will end around 9 pm cst

Get in your actions!


The Sun rises, and corpses rain from the sky.

Firekitten hits the ground first, he was…

Uzu Sugena

Blue Dragon Investigative

Plot Armour (Passive): Death and occupation immune until a member of the Cult, Unseen, or a Neutral Killer dies.
Ice Cream Party (Day): All investigation results will be 100% accurate tonight, all occupations will bypass occupy immunity, and all kills will bypass night immunity. - 1 use.
Skilled Deduction (Night): Discover how a deceased player died. - Infinite uses.
Little Mole (Night): Get a list of three remaining players (or as many as possible), aside from yourself. At least one will not have the ability to win with the Blue Dragon. - Infinite uses.

His journal reads

HELP ME IM BEING JAILED BY A TRYANT PRINCE SEND HELP D: claimed scorned wonder if this will work. Claimed boss and hippo were my targets so if I get exed assume boss is the prince.
N1:Boss Celeste Sarun
N2:Dama Eevee Max
N3:Jailed claimed scorned with a decent defense about how I’m scorned since I pushed hippo and boss :wink:
Execute boss he’s the prince 99.9%

PoisonedSquid has died. They were…

Foolshochist (Alternate)

Neutral (Offensive)
Passive: You are immune to occupation and target changing.
Night Ability 1: Eradicate
Kill two targeted players.
Day Ability 1: Trollbox
Choose a target player and Whisper a short phrase into the troll box. They must say it in their next post in a paragraph, and cannot talk about being trollboxed to anyone
Day Ability 2: Little Birb
Send off a birb to watch a player at night, discovering if the player left their room that night. The birb does not return until the following morning.
Day Ability 3: Nightshade
Expose a player to a deadly poison. The target dies after two nights, bypassing Death Immunity, unless they are healed by a Physician or Alchemist.
Goal: Die


The Day Begins and will end eventually

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I actually have nice info today

Frost ruined my healing target :frowning:

Well, since FK is now proven BD I assume this means that we should execute Boss.

/vote Boss110

i can’t be convert N1 too (who would even convert me) but since i am citizen all i can say is shoot celeste for me tonight

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We need to elect a king first.

Since Livicus is still alive, I’d say he’d fit in the bill well.


I think I should be King

oh hey guys and you know it sucks that all three inactives were BD

/Elect Livicus the Sweet Summer Innocent Child as King

Instantly confirmed as IC and as you citizen you have no abilities, so I can back this decision.

Livi got converted last nite to the eevees