SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Max visited Squid last night


Can we like vote him like we’re supposed to yesterday

but since he wasnt modkilled and marl made excuses surely that at least confirms him a bit
also squid died cos of my bleed rite

He also claim Paladin in an Unseen game .-.

but just cos he visited squid doesnt mean hes evil

Dama you’re an Obs?

Which part of this doesn’t scream he’s evil

OH I think Max is a Glaceon

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Something like that

Did Squud visit anybody?

can you give the number of your claim

thats fair dama

Squid would die tommorow night, not today night.
You said bleed kills in 2 days, not 1.

We asked Squid to double kill, so Max went and occxd and killed Squid

wow so my bleed was wasted
also look at post 491

on the class cards thingy


Paladin in an Unseen game?

Even if Max was a Paladin, why would he visit Squid?

I’m almost certain Max is Glaceon; now we know who isn’t the converted Eevee

I mean for me it was Dama vs Max, but Dama was actualy pushing for people yesterday instead of trying to redirect attention to other “3-man with scum” as Max.

Cause let’s be honest, BD seing “3 names with 1 being scum” and his name inside of it sees a 50/50 oportunity to lynch a scum, while scum inside of it tries to keep all 3 of people alive so he won’t be outed if other people die.

That’s also why I wanted to hand Max yesterday instead of Boss. Cause I was hanging within my result and Max was avoiding them.

Dama going like that today only confirms for me that Max is evil.


okay but we should get rid of the converter, and if we did execute Max according to plan instead of Meme decide fating, we would’ve all died

Would be same for all the lynches that day tho.

Blame Frost.