SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Sam, you are not reading the game tho.
And that’s making me mad.

Like you ignored me trying to have Frost as king over me and Livi, since visits to Frost were prevented and he was confirmed due to Dreaming God stuff.

Like you ignored the whole thing with “3 people, 1 scum” from Firekitten ability.

You just come in and be literaly bad.



Stop flailing I caught you and now you are angry

… lol.

I wanted to have Frost as king at first… you are gonna call him scum too now?

Nope. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t scum. Just because you wanted frosty as king

I wanted him as king, not a scum. START READING.

Scum caught. Time to death tunnel Celeste then you are next


I have no intention to become king, I told him so.

“So he can stop screwing BD” Well they are hiding now.

Yeah, your abilities screw us up royaly so far.


You couldn’t be converted. Soooo it was always a good idea.

@Munstrish dayvig Celeste.

MM and Alche can be immune to death AT NIGHT so dayviging should go through.

Ask Marl about it to confirm tho.

@Sam17z ping me when you actualy read the thread and be able to talk without asking for info wich was reapeated 30 times already, ok?

Otherwise don’t join a game if you are not intending to play it at all.
Cause right now you are worse then Memesky, when trolling.
And you really should be just blacklisted for coming into a thread and asking stuff wich was said over and over already.

If you don’t want to play, then replace out. THANKS.


I’m actually convert immune as the IC, as stated in my class card but eevees bypass conv immunity

I mean we could restate it to him?


but Sam it would probably be very helpful if you go through the

couple hundred posts or so

or more

No, repeating same thing over and over is useless when at worst case there might be like 5-6 BD left.

They are just gonna delay it via asking for same question over and over.

If someone has no will to actualy help win the game, they can as well just replace out.

If that game is not controlled today, it’s gonna be lost.

I want Boss alive, since Tyrant Prince can execute through immunity aka he can kill an eevee at night.
That means that eeveelutions need to kill Boss via immunity-ignoring kill, wich is fine.

Maximus needs to go to reduce number of deaths tonight.
Celeste can be vigged via Munst, since his vig can bypass MM immunity.

Find me a better way to do anything here.
Find me better way to do it then actualy do it ACTIVELY back into control.

And then Sam comes who was reading nothing and expects to udnerstand the situation.
That amount of effort is getting me literaly mad rn, when we are nearly out of mayority.

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/Nominate Livicus

(And among that I would somehow want to avoid being converted)

@Boss110 want to cooperate in trying to find an eevee and execute it?

I mean if you are evil prince you are only person actualy able to kill it at night.

i mean i would love to, problem is i am citizen not tyrant prince