SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

ok tell me who when this is over

Is it possible that this game is like in ToS when if 2 serial killers spawn they can win together?

Ye my boi

but there isn’t 2 Tyrants

Shoot shurian. I dont trust the cit claim at all. Its at the point where its one or the other is most likely scum


you should dayvig Shurian

Boss has more towncred than Shurian

wait what was Litten’s N2 results again?

Max, Eevee and Dama.

Max is probably the scum out of the three

but could also be Dama or also Eevee, but if Eevee is scum…

Are u gonna debt or guard tonight?

Probably Guard, almost certain that Eevees got off conversion yesterday

no point in debting during a non-conversion night

Fair enough. Who should Sarun kill. I’m thinking solic or psycho and see what they flip.

Sarun should kill Max or Solic

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Someone just tried to use a day ability but got redirected to themselves. If someone just got poisoned they messed themselves up

I think its an appropriate time for a gif of Margaret dabbing

Explain how you knew that in game without feedback, liar.

Actualy, I did visit n2 and cc’ed Dama result on that.

He instantly backed of saying he didn’t check me.

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