SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

i guess i’ll smite then /shrug

Buys us no time if gonna have like 3-4 deaths tonight.

Funny fact - you can’t even say it’s unseen defending unseen, cause I want Celeste to die at night.

And if that is a fact, it would change nothing, since I would be last night convert, aka they would be unable to convert tonight.

It’s just that I don’t see a point in hanging them when if we hang Nk, we can lower the kpn tonight.

But NK could also kill Eevees instead

and we don’t knoe for certain who the NKs are, while if we lynch Celeste, we can know about the existence of an Unseen faction


@Munstrish are you alive, you have an important job tonight

And we can’t just rely on KPNs after the big BD Inactives wipe, we’ll need to end Eevees fast and hope for a game swinger, so I’d still say Celeste is a safe bet



/execute I am not going to announce who I am going to protect or what exactly that protection is. It just allows the eeveelutions to pick whatever they need to to bypass it. That would not be smart at all, as I am one of the few protectives left.

Aaaand, trial is over.

@Ashe @Marluxion

Goodbye liar.

Celeste has been executed. She was…

Poison Master

Neutral Offensive

Natural Flow (Passive) - You are immune to poisoning and occupation.
Nightshade Carrier (Day) - Makes your target immune to poisoning for the rest of the game. If the target is poisoned after the use of this ability, everyone that visit or is visited by the target will be poisoned. 1 use.
Smoothskin Potion (Day) - Make yourself night immune for the night. 3 uses.
Malpractice (Night) - Target a player. If anyone attempt to heal the player that night, the player will die instead. Pierce night immunity. Infinite uses.
Healer (Night) - Heal a target from any attack tonight. Infinite uses.

Convert Immune
Goal: Live to see Blue Dragon and all Alchemists-like class lose.

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Night will end in 24 hours.

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A Dreaming God has invoked the Treason incantation.

In addition to normal night actions, All living players may vote on a player to die tonight. The player who gets the most votes (ties broken by RNG) will die at the start of day.

Refusing to vote for someone places a vote on yourself. There must be blood!


Votes will not be shown. So be as scummy as you want, nobody will know anything except the majority!

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Night will end in 3 hours, last minute actions will be accepted. Don’t forget to vote for the treason incantation.

The one chosen to die by the Treason Incantation is… Boss110.

He was…

Named citizen. If there is a scorned in game is always a target.
Blue Dragon win condition.

Eevee has also died. He was…


Eeveelution special
Too many eeveelutions (passive) - Only one member of eeveelutions can perform a killing action each night.
Best pokemon (passive) - Only @eevee can become Sylveon.
Synchronoise (night) - Use nighty ability of any other eeveelution - 1 night cooldown
Charm (day) Use day ability of any other eeveelution - 1 night cooldown

Psychoneirik was also found dead… He was…

Tyrant Prince (Neutral Killer)

Passive: Royal Blood.

Day Ability: Imprison: Jail someone, occupying them and allowing you to speak with them. They will know you are the Tyrant Prince.

Night Ability: Murder: Kill the Jailed Person. Unlimited uses.

Night Ability: Slaughter: Kill anyone who would visit you target. 4 uses.
Your objective is to kill the blue dragon, all scum factions, and any neutrals who would do you harm.

The day begins - 72 hours or majority go