SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

I’m not you fucking dumbasses. This is the worst Lynch for everybody today in general. Scum, you want King dead, he’s the one person that can fuck up your plans by having TWO votes. Are you sure you want that?

The only thing I lied about this game, was the eevee check. I swapped eevee and boss that night, so Dama saw boss night 2, not eevee.

Also, nice job outting yourself btw. Real smart.

Protecting your Sylveon?

I think Blizer is an eeveelution most likely, but not the eevee

I knew eevee was fucking bad, it was obvious. Why would i do something like that if i was an eeveelution. If he or i flipped, the other would be outted as scum. BTW, nice scum reveal. in all honesty if Liv votes you or solic, ill be on that train in a heartbeat.


Mhm trying to shift attention

Nice try

Honestly, solic revealed himself as leafeon yesterday, so it doest really matter.

Btw, he was my target as you can clearly see, along with Liv.

/vote Maximusprime

I think Blizer is non-eevee eeveelution, and Maxi is Eevee now, since Blizer started the lynch on the clear BD king (possibly 3 eeveelutions now?) and let Maxi follow, who backtracked after seeing NK + Frost wouldn’t go for it as to not lose Eevee.

Nice, NK. So Sam is the other eeveelution, i had my hopes on that, considering his attitude against eevee, and how he was trying to distance himself from him, by trying to make him look bad.

Honestly, If your scum, you need the myslynch. You will be screwed if you dont.

You know what? We lynch the youngest eevee scum and I help you.

Its Max then.

/vote Max

/vote Maximus

Well I tried to get him voted at night.

Honestly, admit if your the NK. We know the scum is between you, sam and Max at this point. Its pretty fucking obvious.

Solic, will you help us vote the eevee?


I’m holding this up. He was a bit too happy to do that. Maybe I get my NK/eeveelution prediction mixed up and Blizer/Maxi is an eeveelution/NK. I have to think about this.

Obviously, but we cannot mislynch during this day or it is pretty much over.

No one visited me on the convert night how can I be eevee