SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Are you on trial :thinking:

(have we already got a person on trial?)

Entertain me.

Are u rly generic butler

don’t worry, ici will make read list soon enough

we need to wait untill more person vote margaret

I wish I was seeing as you’re king, but Im afraid I only have one weapon.

and a certain post restriction

Why? Margaret obviously said she has a fool-like abillity. Trial exe is not the way

Clearly he did the poor fellow.

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yeah, that why i want someone that is not me to shoot her

Something else. That prevents votes for 2 days

That is what poor fellow used to be.

I know

Huh naaahhh dunt worri about dat just lymch meee

Cowardly lean on memesky, he could be BD but :man_shrugging:

No1 made cowardly king

It will only affect BD players.

So his ability is not

And we know we’re wrong sometimes like Celeste claim incredible anti town and still flip as town.

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stares at Goddess

Heck yall almost let me live as a sorc claiming mystic/psychic soooo

i mean scum can kill margaret if they want :man_shrugging: she could have really good ability