SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

You are still Assassin never the less.

Or Eevee in that matter.

I’m surprised you still believe you did the right thing

Your logic is so bad

I’m killing you first

grabs shotgun not if I get myself first.

You could’ve helped but you didn’t

I’ll save you for last.

Torture is still torture


Solic voted first btw.

Sarun voted first.

Lol is that supposed to change something

He did what he was supposed to do as a fucking Eevee

Lynch anyone but themselves

You sheeped him which is worse tbh

Sarun is converted as well

Assassins aren’t night immune

Does it really matter who I sheep, saltsea?

If he is, honestly well fucking played.

We’re still hanging Liv tmrw

Making fun of me now? How low.

I am Dreaming God, why I am still here is quite mystery.

You deserve to lose tbh

Did anyone fucking ask

How is it well played

Your stupidity does not make his play good

Smh when will people realize that

I did, you just need to lay off the heat.

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He convinced people that he was a town vig. And no one really questioned him since D2 which allowed him to go under the radar.

i r o n i c