SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

@Alice keep it.

how many times do i have to say

Unless you are Sarun, stop talking. @Alice will you decide the accused fate?

I’ll allow it to go through. Let the night phase begin.

The blue dragon (except Memesky) and the dreaming God win!

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@Damafaud didn’t even try to convert


Rip Max entire unseen dead n1 meant he couldn’t even have an heir :laughing: :laughing:

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Thats actually tragic

Maybe you are interested in this. I am totally salty I lost, because Dama did not convert. :confused:

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Also damn you had me pegged as Leafeon, scared me loads.

Yeah, eevee was the n1 convert lol

As soon as you said you could protect people, i knew you were leafeon instantly.

Also funny that everyone believed my Neut Hunter claim.


I wanted to fakeclaim gambler/chronomancer (600), but in the end it would be better if scum would possibly target me over the Eevee, so I ran with it.

im just sad really. I feel like i made a good case agansit boss and i would have gotten him myslynched the day max was lynched if you mofo`s didnt vote for his death.

Everyone was not really trying at that point, but kudos to you for getting the win for BD and getting me out regardless before that. The classcard totally did not match up with how you played or the fact that there had to be 2 NK’s.

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wait, does that mean Maxi got 3 failed converts in a row?

a thing

The neut hunter isn’t technically a NK.

Maxi wasn’t actually unseen