SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

if you guys had converted Munstrish, it would’ve blocked it, Ithink, because Debt isn’t conv immunity, it just stops the next conversion

Killed Boss and made your other target the IC, and disabled faction checks n1, so yeah.


I still had one more charge of my swap left. I wasnt going to use it, because i thought Liv was going to guard himself. I could have swapped him into Sarun for that weird kill.

[10:23] Marl: Because if 17 people can get together to lynch one person
[10:23] Marl: we’ll have a miracle on our hands

We proved Marl wrong guys!


Did anyone foresee the actual MM plot twist or was I just being overtly paranoid with thinking there would be a NK/MM left.

It got me thinking about it too, but i realized that unseen was dead with sam saying that htm visited Marg.

Still, Maxi’s fake flip kind of messed me up. I really thought Muns and Sam were respectively Unseen/NK which is why I claimed a neut at the end. At least I managed to get Dama to out themselves and allowed me to lynch them.


The one time his inactivity would be a blessing. You were going to hang Sam otherwise I feel.

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Remember ya’ll. When modding 20+ games you have to keep up the WiM through hype reveals and things that CHANGE the game without influencing stuff mechanically.

This is why the Dreaming God is such a good role even though it has teh sole purpose of making things more unbalanced.


there was no way Unseen could’ve survived, so I looked through the cards and found it

They start with 3 members and convert someone succesfully when they can. Why would it not have been possible?

And for me, Frost’s Innocence was a big game swinger, or I would’ve had to include :b: for 300+ posts


Htm also said something about being able to become a class of their choosing, so I considered the fact that he choose to become a brand new MM himself.

This was assuming we believed Sam’s claim.

:b: ut Livi :b: us, that was a :b: reat :b: ost :b: estriction


It was the :b:est :b:ost restriction, :b:ut Frost mechanically confirming as IC helped me a lot

I feel duped by this. :confused:


you know what they say, :b:astard


You know whats even more funny? The night dama was converted, i switched him with boss. So i could have had boss converted that night if i didnt do anything.

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