SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Poison, claim now and I unvote

I literally cannot understand why you’d be so pushy on Celeste without a post restriction.

I’m not massclaiming boi, and that’s what I’m sticking with

Fucking fucks of a fuckery. I dont fucking know.


Claim and explain why are you pushing so hard on Celes despite the fact that we will probably vig her?

Im not kidding probably hidden mechanic

Because she’s threatening to use an anti-town ability for scummy reasons

I’m not letting myself get ripped off.

give up? i give them reason to out and tell us who is they target

Senpai~ No pushu pleasu

Squid tell us now and then just hope that we forget about you. we don’t want to lynch scorned we want to lynch scum.


@PoisonedSquid she’s claimed Citizen but with the post restriction of being unable to lie

I’m not claiming, so fik off :b: :o2: :information_source:

I’m noots in. Last chance.

so just roleclaim and I’ll unvote

day vig litten or squid? :eyes:

Yay! I mean bd king idc

I Dont think shes scorned, why would she ask for Dayvig on celeste? Shes acting like a fool right now. her Incredibly aggressive behavior rn is very sus and a scum or bd would not normally do this.

Just stop. You of all people can see there are better targets to vig than me.

:no_entry: Sorry, your claim that you are looking for does not exist