SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Boss - 1
Shurian - 2
Damafaud - 3
Nuclear - 4
Margaret - 5

Need 15 more btw!


Why are we doing this?

Los Vegas /shrug

who said it lol?

So who can protect?
I need them to know the plan
(of protecting me)

Use the scissors they seem fun

I can protect if I want bcs i am neut who is alch

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I’m night immune so I don’t need no protection

Hippo. I’m sorry but I did a bad thing. Night immunity means nothing tonight.

I didn’t think when I used it

You know what back to defending myself.

The reason I shouldn’t be lynched today is because every night I get a list of 3 people and one of them is bad. I’m a good investigative class. Even if you don’t believe me I’m just asking for 1 day.

stop being bad please.

I read it as investigations shall be 100% correct tonight and I didn’t read the rest of it as I used it.

/day-vig Firekitten


So let me get this straight.

You could of vigged the fool. Yet you decided to vig BD. :clap:


Dead should stay dead

I’m not dead yet.

(But you will be once the day vig goes through)

So? I see no firekitten was shot message yet. I can be as sad as I want until then.

7? i guess

i hope eevee isn’t some class that uses the counting