SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Why would you say this as town. Are you neutral? Because the only thing I can do it hope that someone attacks you bypassing your immunity. because you said you think I was town yet still votes me. Leading me to believe your neutral.

put your money where your mouth is

Hippo why do I feel like your trying to get me to vote you

If anything I think your neutral. Only neutral would vote someone who they thought was town.

Squid maybe immune to death ?

What are you tho i need info

We are assuming they are fool because they keep voting celeste and won’t vote me yet they still suspect me

Sorry for trying to kill you

/vote Fire

Just think about how many players there are on? It’s fair for the people that if you flip BD then they won’t able to vote at all, including myself.


Right now at Day 1, the best thing you can is vote reading.

And remember my soft claim, I am not an danger yet I do not need to survive either.

If FK is uzu, no one has death immunity tonight

A what?

I made a mistake okay? I read the investigation first

Its FK`s role claim (im lazy to scroll up to get it) It has a one use day ability that makes all investigations get 100% accuracy, but Kills pierce immunity in exchange

On the plus side, you can kill NK’s at ease.

But it’s only for one night?

Yeah its 1 use.

Only one night.

But I am also a psychic that gets a scum every night in a list of 3 people.

Not necessarily a town ability, but the majority of town investigators and killers will benefit from this.

I think it’s suffice to say that the class types have been removed for some reason by the way, that even as part of scum faction would have these abilities I think.

I mean you could go ahead and look at the class card yourself.