SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Because. If tech kills you and bypass your immunity i’m proven to at least help with that.

Well you sound like scum

Took you long enough to find a fakeclaim

Mkay ill brb going to show you how i softed it.

Just pointing out that your faction might have an “Empower” ability that makes kills bypass immuntiy.

for those who don’t want to check class card thread

That would be enough to fake being U\u

In tol there is one confirmed healer ? Is there a rule like this in here ?

Techwolves? Did he say he’s going to CS someone?

it’s almost certain, but not gaurenteed.

no, he claim knight however

In normal FoL we DO have a rule that means healers are gaurenteed though.

Oh so i can be only healer

Wait if he used that, that hurts us because Killers can get their kill off tonight

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Tol doesnt guarantee healer just high chances

it does gaurentee at least one healer, actually.
surprsised you don’t know that

In game i mean at least there is one healer not forum matches

That’s what i said

It doesnt i played games without healers

I mean it is pretty well written there is confirmed healer in tol