SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

When did I claim god?

It’s on the claim list. What do you claim then if anything?

Oh wait. That’s frost

frostwolf is the one that claims “god” whatever that class is

Who even is this person btw?


I mean who’s the actual person

this shit seems op

Little Mole (Night): Get a list of three remaining players (or as many as possible), aside from yourself. At least one will not have the ability to win with the Blue Dragon. - Infinite uses.

if spamlitten says the truth we could massclaim + use this to gamesolve in just a few days

Exactly except the mass claim part.

(Stop calling me spamkitten :frowning: )

you have to earn that right

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I know who the litten hunter is killing then lul, that’s why I have been trying to not talk because I am paranoid I will die

btw, how do you plan to confirm yourself?
there doesnt seem to be any abilities that confirm you are telling the truth. In fact most of those abilities could be easily faked

Are you talking to me :thinking:

1.Someones occupy immunity is bypassed
2.Investigation results are correct.
3.Squid is fool and dies.

talking to litten (did you claim too?)

  1. Pretty sure there are a lot of classes that can do that
  2. How would someone know you used this?
  3. How does this affect your class?

1.Well a butler bypasses immunity for no reason
3.The alch can bypass squids immunity


Are you the magical unicorn?

ooooh did we start the massclaim already?