SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

Oh shut up, :b:ro

And I’m a :b:it less jet lagged now

I meant to ask you, where you fly from?

:man_shrugging: And I know I’m going to :b:orget someday


And please anyone dayvig me so that I can die proving someone rather than get :b:odkilled

Is Ici actually this?

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aand /vote Margaret I didn’t manage to find anything that could stop lynches for two days, except maybe timelord

May as well /vote Margaret so we can at least get some information via votes and whatnot rather than memeing.

It could be an excuse for a pr fakeclaim attempt.


/vote :b:argaret too then

VC by player for players!

Squid - Margaret,Shurian,Tech(3/17)
Margaret - Boss,Squid,Frost,Marcus,htm,Sarun,Livicus(7/17)
Icibalus - Meme,Captain(3/17)

Dont count on my vc being accurate

Boss - 1
Shurian - 2
Damafaud - 3

Who will give 4?

Why are there 7 votes on Margaret. I literally just woke up

/Vote Margaret
I went back an looked at what she was trying to do. Not Cool

To put it short, Boss wanted her claim, and then she implied herself to have a scum-sided ability.

Thought I can’t really tell if this is a genuine scumslip, which I don’t think it’s likely as it’s too glaring, or it’s just your typical d1 shitposting.

I’d still at least pressure her to make this day at least somewhat productive.

margaret fake claim prince almost all the game, i am not really sure now that she is scum or BD, and that is why i want someone to vig her instead


I feel like it is your typical d1 shitpost, but since everyone is agansit mass claiming rn, she kinda set off a bomb with her choice of words.