SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

/Vote @Margaret

Even though I think you claimed prince for the lols hippo is right that you actually hurt town more than help and that you look scummy for trying to back away from your claim.

We cannot trust him so heā€™s a neutral citizen for now

At the worst we lose a neutral citizen and at best we kill a Demwir

If we really want if we have a assassin they can just nightshade him.

Even tho that would be rude.

At best we lose a trolling Celeste, there is no worst because we definitely lose a trolling celeste.


Is this what we call a policy lynch :thinking:

we should keep an eye on Marl, if we donā€™t have constant protection, both attacks and conversion on him, 100% he wonā€™t be a living Adiart by Day 4

like srsly Iā€™m tired of bs meming and fucking up town and expecting to get away with it. I still think it is likely she is NK.


This reminds me there is a class called demon.

Confession: I donā€™t know how to read Celeste or Memesky.


Sketch, there is like no chance htm is NK or scum and you must realize that. There is pretty darn high chance Celeste is, and if she isnā€™t it is no loss. I literally donā€™t see any reason to hang htm over celeste.

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And if he is still alive by day 5, we lynch him because heā€™ll either be starting scum or converted by then due to how he holds a good amount of town in his sheep leashes


This is false. Now scum will purposely not go near him for this to happen.

And demons do something called kill all visitors.

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:wink: I think my job is done then, now weā€™ll have a safe trustworthy Marl

Livi trying to buddy up to marl :ok_hand:

I was actually doing the opposite

Several people find Marl suspicious dude why are you asking protection for him?

Itā€™s because we test him, and if heā€™s alive too long, we lynch him because heā€™s starting scum

Thatā€™s just bad logic tho

Iā€™m almost tempted to vote you off that.

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