SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

But the maid one in latest fol receives it at the end of the day.


@eevee any moderrors.

@eevee are day abilities instant?

Also may someone enforce/ice ward me tonight to guarantee my suicide will work

I have read that too, so…

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Demwir drunks and alcoholics will cause issues

Demwir Drunk happy hours me.

Faction kill is used on me. Goodbye me.

I wanted to keep the idea private.

But it sorta lingered on me.

If I cant become revenant. I lose

I thought it’s not possible to occupy Spiritualist from becoming Revenant by now.

Happy hour exists

Yeah? It would be still occupy the target - are you saying Happy Hour is the only thing that works?

Oh shit nvm im dumb

I cant be occupied even by means that bypass occupy immunity.

Not even jailing you if you were not king would stop you from becoming Revenant.

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This is broken as shit

The only difference is that when you don’t use it N1 and you get attacked, then yeah…you die for real.

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Yes. I am not immune to attacks.

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Ill be so pissed if I get modblocked.