SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

I typically only claim if I see my open claim useful, such as if I’m an investigator who found anything or a killer who needs to co-ordinate with the rest of the faction.

You can’t really game-solve Blender the same way you game-solve FoL or ToL.

We assume Demwir don’t have a converter and there are like 5 of them alive now.

Didn’t they have a converter last time?

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I think we should assume they have a converter until we are certain.


No, how would that even work in Blender?

How would a converter work, a Demwir Mastermind would just convert people to unseen not to demwir.

Ask Frost, he was Dimwit converter in SFoL 9

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I remember something.

Someone said something about

You were converted to the cult last night. You were converted to the dem or something. Someone said something like that before

They have a faction convert


Poor methnor…


From what I’ve gleamed from SFoL 9, you have your primary faction, adiart/dimwit/neutral and then BD/Unseen/Cult


I’m a HE


Tbf your name is super feminine so it’s an easy mistake to make

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/vote Sarun

Im going now, remember a vote for Hippo is a vote for freedom.


As King, I’m not saying vote to lynch me lol

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I guess I should switch my username then prolly

an /unvote

bot stop being confused

With the bot I think you have to unvote and then revote yeah.

hello there, demwir possessor