SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

read up, we got an hour left

Are you truly sure of this?


who do you think is scum if Blizer flips town?

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we already have one confirmed scum btw everyone.

just gotta be ugly reminder guy. sorry

@eevee @orangeandblack5 stop eating yer bloody potato chips and kill a man


Really disliking Marl now.

Iā€™m sticking with pardon. Moleā€™s logic makes sense. Marl is the one either confused or using this opportunity to mislynch as a scum and get off scot-free afterward because of a subjective mod error.

It doesnā€™t make sense for Blizer to be lying about checking HTM, especially after HTM publically claimed. Scum!Blizer is going to use their RB check on somebody they think is Prince. They arenā€™t concerned over a neutral Princess who can help them out. Adiart!Blizer would want to confirm the neutral claim just to keep an eye on them.

Marl isnā€™t even considering Moleā€™s argument, which means he is either pushing aggressively for a free mislynch and a ā€œoops my bad guys, but thatā€™s what I was toldā€ for tomorrow, or he is genuinely believing these class cards were updated after Eevee sent them out.


wait what
mole gave an argument?

Whoā€™s the scum you caught if heā€™s adiart,

iā€™m not going to tell you in case iā€™m converted tonight

itā€™ll be in my journal if i die though so :100:

Oh well then your going against your objective RIGHT NOW?

It was a joke I swear :wink:

Donā€™t be dumb
Iā€™ll play Pro-BD while Iā€™m BD
But Iā€™m not gonna sink my ship in case i get converted

He checked before htm claimed AND says that Royal blood check is unlimited in this game :thinking:

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Your not going to get converted tonight itā€™s a 100% fact.

Tell us plz so we may dispose of them now?

We only have two trials you dingleberry

Yes but we have a thing called knights.

yeah but if iā€™m converted i dont wanna sell out my future teammates!

Thinking Ahead :tm:

You wonā€™t get converted Iā€™m telling you this as I know you wonā€™t.

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