SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

I know it seems dimwir sage now

The funny thing is livicus could of prevented the whole thing except I said no :frowning:

I spike trapped Pug

Do we have any royalty aside from HTM?

Shouldā€™ve spike trapped Hippo


I am still gonna say #hippokingbestking btw and after my death you will see there is dimwir sage it is not me.At least it will confirm something i guess

And Iā€™m still bleeding but it looks like all the healers are dead

I think we assume one of the spiritualist is NK as opposed to Demwir cuz a Demwir spiritualist would be so broken.

Letā€™s find out what Psycho did last night too. I had a reread and Iā€™d be very happy with a psycho lynch.


You donā€™t get notified if you were healed.

oh right

well letā€™s see if I die tonight then

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is Hippo becoming our King

Probably unless a royal steps up.

Like pug said it turns into a support I would assume the same for demwir.

Iā€™ll claim a little bit if it helps secure it and stop any doubters.

please, it would help

Either way, Iā€™ve re-read he thread overnight and here are my thoughts.


  1. htm (Neutral) - At this point I canā€™t really read anything but Neutral from him. His stupid push on Maximus because he knows how to spell the scum factionā€™s name was just, well, senselessly idiotic. Either way, the wagon on him formed way too quickly for him to be scum. He could genuinely be a Neutral Killer, but even in Blender I donā€™t really see anyone doing this. My verdict here is that heā€™s a genuine Neutral Princess or a Fool trying to hard.

  2. Memesky (Null) - Read again my post on why I suspect the spammers and shitposters, as in Meme, FK, Celeste, and Pug, of being part of the scumteam. Frankly I basically have a default scumlean on Meme albeit knowing Meme, this may end up being town. To put it short, I have no fā€™ing idea what Memeskyā€™s end-game goal is.

  3. Livicus (Slight Townlean/Village Idiot) - I see his motivations in getting the neut claim out quite town-based also seems to want to communicate with town and coordinate his traps, to be honest. Albeit my problem with Livicus is that heā€™s acting a bit too LAMIST-y for me with him asking investigatives to check him or trying to confirm himself. He essentially has the FK problem where is he is focusing too damn much on mechanical confirmation which is giving him terrible-ass reads.

  4. Firekitten (Slight Townlean) - Do I really have to read 500+ D1 posts from Spamkitten? Trying to ISO him is even more time consuming than reading Tolstoyā€™s War and Peace. Heā€™s basically all over the place to be honest. For me his post count he isnā€™t providing as much analysis here and is just really talking about claiming in general, which to be honest is kind of NAI for him, albeit he does seem to be helping coordinate the court from time to time. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen FKā€™s scumplay in a role-madness game before, so I have a hard time reading him in SFoL. However, what makes me believe he may be scum is his sudden pardoning of Blizer before the flip. He doesnā€™t really states why he believe Blizer is innocent and seems to be doing this for towncred.

  5. Damafaud (Slight Scumlean) - Few posts as typical from them, but itā€™s kind of obvious they have no town motivation at all. Mostly regarding that kill spammers rant, which I kind of agree, but voting for an execution on Blizer despite not knowing about anything thatā€™s going on in the thread is sketchy at best and an obvious scumtell at its worst.

  6. Margaret (Null) - Itā€™s Celeste. How the hell am I supposed to read her? Frankly for future games Iā€™m probably putting Celeste and Memesky in their own special read categories as I can read them like I can read ancient Sumerian erotica on a worn-out 5000-year old cuneiform tablet. Which is not at all.

  7. Hippolytus (Townlean) - In general seems to be one of the town leaders here. His distrust on Livi is somewhat justified due to his LAMIST-y behavior, Iā€™d side with him over Marl as I donā€™t really see Marl as reliable.

  8. PoisonedSquid (Slight Scumlean/Slight Townlean) - Somewhat difficult to explain here, but she does seem she could be town here. Frankly most of my read on her basically comes from how the entire HTM situation played out, which was just downright moronic, so I donā€™t hold much to this read until I see more. I mean she did explain her motivations with quotes backing her up, but that was when FK pressured her.

  9. Maximus Prime (Slight Townlean) - Iā€™d say this is likely town Maximus. Heā€™s relatively active and has provided us with relatively decent analysis compared to his activity. He does have a point that the hit-and-run accusations between me and Sam were suspicious, so I give him that. Since he flipped Revenant and didnā€™t CC Pug, I assume this is NK Revenant.

  10. Blizer - Dead, flipped Town.

  11. Sarun (Me)

  12. Psychoneirik (Scumlean) - Flailed way too hard when pressed on by Sketch, and then focused way too much on mechanical confirmation despite this game being Blender. Also is focusing too much on staying under the radar rather than actually helping with the analysis. Iā€™m somewhat curious why PKR sees him as town.

  13. Moleland (Slight Townlean) - Seems to be actively going against Marl and sided with Bliz. Dislikes Memeā€™s entire shtick so far and for good reason.

  14. NuclearBurrito (Null) - Another read from the HTM mess. Nuclear looks to have some town motivation when it came to asking HTM for role cards, but yet again, I donā€™t think I can assess anything from that entire episode.

  15. Marluxion (Heavy Scumlean/Fool) - In short, I donā€™t see why Marl would have pushed for a blatantly obvious mislynch here. It made no damn sense to hang Blizer from the entire mechanic slip-up alone as the role-cards were rolled around the time the FoL changes were introduced, plus pushing him for using his day ability d1 when it was modified to infinite uses was just non-sensical. No lynching is bad, but this was an obvious mislynch as the only evidence against Blizer during the end of the day was his perceived mechanical slip-ups, which was a flimsy excuse at best due to the mechanic changes. I donā€™t think a player like Marl could end up accidentally directing a mislynch, so Iā€™m firm in believing that heā€™s either genuine scum or a Fool. And his comments at the EoD was justā€¦ weird?

  16. Marcus_Doodalee (Townlean) - Again, another read that Iā€™ve acquired mostly from the HTM clusterfuck, so Iā€™m not fully sure here. Heā€™s more analytical than Iā€™ve seen him so Iā€™m kind of sure this is town Marcus rather than scum Marcus.

  17. Insanity (Null) - Lurking and only sheeping votes. A little bit of either scummy behavior or NAI, so yeah.

  18. Pug - KING (Null) - He claims heā€™s a Revenant, so why read 500+ posts from him if heā€™s suiciding n1?

  19. PokemonKidRyan (Heavy Townlean) - Also had the same read Iā€™ve had on Blizer and noticed that Marl is just being odd.

  20. Captain (Heavy Scumlean/Village Idiot) - Difficult to read as he looks to be a newbie. Albeit his weird form of early-game claiming and stating that he was baiting, and then repeatedly repeating his claim is just odd. To add, for him to randomly use Dark Rune and for Livicus to get suddenly PoFā€™d is just adding more suspicion here. Iā€™m not sure if this is just his play-style that looks overly scummy to me, as I do admit I did tunnel him last SFoL, or if this is genuine scum behavior.

  21. Frostwolf (Neutral/Slight Scumlean) - To be honest, I kind of read him as a neutral due to his active behavior but at the same time he is not scum-hunting as much. Too much interaction with Pug while avoid the entire Marl v. Blizer clusterfuck here. In short, Iā€™d say heā€™s a neut or a very weak scumread.

  22. Sketch (Heavy Townlean) - Should be an obvious townlean from Sketch. Heā€™s basically doing the majority of analysis here and is pressuring scummy players.

  23. Luxy (Scumlean) - I see Luxy as scum mainly for two reasons. Sam just isnā€™t the kind of person to just randomly drop an accusation and bail out like what he did in the early game. From my past experiences watching him play, he pushes hard against anyone he reads as scum, and for him just to vote me and then leave just doesnā€™t really match up. Secondly, Luxy just dropping in to execute Bliz without understanding what is going on just screams of scum sheeping on others.


Yeah but even then a member of the scum faction with access to dead chat and who canā€™t be killed is kinda bs. Remember me trolling max into revivng me when I was scum?

Anyway it doensā€™t really matter. We just forget about the spiritualists and focus on getting scum we can actually hang (altho i suspect one of them may be in me seeing as I was basically guaranteed to not die last night and becoming King. Weā€™ll cross that bridge when it comes to it tho).

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Suspicion here is mosty on Psycho and Captain. Marlā€™s a weird one due to his actions at the end of d1.

Iā€™ll like you to look at hippos post count.

I agree Sarunā€™s post btw.It seems to have good context