SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

So…Celeste knew bliz used a day ability… and that was it. Why are you so terrible as town?

Marl is still saf

Mole, what maid uses their royal blood check before their first matchmake

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But info still was given by “Adiart classes may still be buffed/nerfed even when they are of the good faction.”

A new one that was told to by a King maybe. AND YOUR EVIDENCE TOLD YOU NOTHING

I am not the second Maid, but so far I can guarantee that Sam’s slot is not a Demwir.

Do you at least have your suspicions on your logs in case you end up getting nightkilled before you’re converted? If you end up getting nightkilled as Adiart without telling us your suspicions you’re screwing us all.

Still, either way I pardoned Blizer at the end as I realized the mechanics issue was a poor scum indicator as way too many class cards here have been completely revamped thus we can’t really know what’s a legit mechanics slip here or a real change in game mechanics.

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Hmm, since Frost flipped Demwir I don’t really think Psycho is now a Demwir, unless this was an attempt at bussing.

On the second line, I think it’s inconclusive as buddying with members of your same scum faction is too much of a rookie mistake in FM. I don’t think Frost would be inexperienced enough to sink Marl along with him if he died.

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At the same time it was kinda like.

Okay I agree with you but not to the point that if I die marl would be caught as scum or that if marl dies you would look sus and I wouldn’t.

To find the other scum, I’d imagine we should check Psycho’s wagon based on Frost’s voting as the Demwir may have been trying to push a mislynch.

Also, why the hell is d1 over 4k posts long? =_=


When I look at what frost has said I can see nothing useful. All his votes had 0 explanation and I can’t really find anything useful.

I forgot what I was going to say.

It had something to do with livicus and frost or something like that and i really wish I remember what I was going to say.

I remembered it.

Livicus asked for like a lot of protection on marl. Now frost was a scum knight who killed all hippos visitors. What if livicus was scum trying to get the protectives onto marl. Failed. And then they killed all hippos visitors.

Here are the ones who upped Psycho.

Psycho - 13 - Blizer, Moleland, Sketch, Hipo, Margaret, Poisoned, Frostwolf, Captain, Sarun, Pug, htm, Marcus

Blizer and Sketch flipped Adiart while Frost flipped Demwir, while I’m quite confident Pug is Adiart Revenant as he’d been CC’d by Maxi if he weren’t. HTM is pretty much a neut in my eyes and the rest, yeah.

Since Celeste has reduced her shitposting for the day I’d give her a more town lean and I’m obvious lock Adiart to myself. Moleland and Hippo are on my good side for now.

I’m confident Captain is scum and I have a gut feeling that likely either Squid and/or Marcus is scum here.

The wagon on Psycho was started out likely as TvT with some Demwir members jumping on for a mislynch. Thing is the entire wagon then CFD’d onto Blizer and I couldn’t get additional reads here.

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To be frank, Livicus was focusing too much on hard confirmation as well.

Im pretty sure Max softed Adiart Revenant somewhere, where he asked the “hypothetical” question

Maybe the reason he asked that was so he could CC pug

No if he was adiart he would of said he was and tried to get pug hung.

Cause he knew pug was scum if that was the case.

He was asking stuff about if revenant was unique or something. I need to read that again, but maybe he was trying to make sure before CC’ing?

We told him over and over again that if he was adiart spiritualist pug was evil.

He said nah I wasn’t spiritualist.

He’s scum.


Doubt it. After we told him that there could only be one Adiart Spiritualist he basically bailed out on the hypothetical questions. If he were town he’d have CC’d Pug and gotten him hung.