SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

“The fool is incompatible with everyone.”

You’re right then, so Marl is not fooley.

Tell me why you think PKR was either your townlean, or what made you believe they could be a scum team.

Didn’t he claim Adriat Scorned?

Read the passive for the Demwir Knight. They commit suicide once they kill two players, or use two abilities. The language there is ambiguous so I can’t tell if it was suicide or it was another night kill.

Aye, I just compare the scummiest, Marl with someone I think is Adiart, PKR…

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It seems as if it means the next time you use an ability after successfully killing someone you sepukku

The language is not ambiguous. They will kill themselves if they use an ability again that has already killed someone. They did not suicide.


How many alive have we got currently? Excluding revenants

Nvm, misread it, so the 2nd NK is the most likely explanation.

16+2 Revenants.

I’d also like the Noble/Aristocrat to explain why they ordered FK rather than either Captain or Psycho. I’m somewhat suspicious about that decision.

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Maybe just mechanical confirmation? And as someone said earlier in the thread, Litten is a chatterbox and would end up bringing it up

You can’t mechanically confirm yourself in this mode. FK isn’t the most town-leaning player here, but at the same time he’s not a good target for it.

Oh I would of forgot about it but Celeste brought it up.
Why didn’t they bounty psy tho?
Or captain.

Was Frosts sacrifice the factional kill?

I think Sketch was probably the factional kill. My guess here is that Frost killed both Meme and Nuke when they visited Hippo, and that the second NK killed Frost. Unless neither Revenant was neutral, which is a potential possibility.

That’s what I would’ve done but it only has 2 uses so maybe they’re preparing to use it in the long game

Pug can still talk here right?

duh yes