SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

1.It can’t vote limiting its side numbers.
2.Not even confirmed.
3.Priest has death immunity I think? And it can revive someone giving its side more voting power.

All it does is limit the numbers and wow I can talk to the dead too bad people may not believe me.

Revive Priest is not to be discussed


(There goes my hope of reviving and vining every single person for a 1 person Adiart victory.)


Lmao more dead posting


u triple gr8

that was my announcement btw


Meme posted despite being dead… what are you talking about?

What announcement?

Wasn’t that the message Orange posted?


I forgot squid was in the game until now - lol


Can we have the VC for both King and Trial? By now I imagine that we’ve all agreed to grant kingship to Luxy and to execute Damafaud.

Uhh how am I supposed to do that

Oh yeah right

Marg - NW
HTM (me) - Neut Duchess
Captain - Sage
Livic - Adiart Poacher
Marl - Illusionist
Luxy - Adiart Noble (basically confirmed)
Sarun - Adiart Sheriff
Insanity - Maid?
Psycho - Adiart Butler
Dama - Drunk
FK - Invest class?

The only reason I can think of for Dama stepping up is that he may have wanted to confirm his royal blood. Maybe we are being too quick to trial him? Or am I missing something?

According to Insanity, he and PKR are compatible. So this means that if he is not Adiart then.

  1. Marl is a true neutral class and can win with PKR, regardless of his faction.
  2. PKR is a neutral who can win with scum.
  3. Marl is Demwir, but got tailored n1.
  4. PKR is Demwir.
  5. PKR is Adiart, but got framed n1.
  6. Insanity is a liar, likely on the same scumteam as Marl due to the result.

Extra Info:

Bliz lied and he apparently checked Marcus according to Puggo but why did he do that? Explains why he slipped tho.

Dama stepped up because ???. Kinda sus tbf. He didn’t tell us why he stepped up. He could be non-reader Adiart or a scum trying to stop our plan from getting Hippo to kang.

Don’t think there is anything else tbh.

There really isn’t a reason to confirm RB in this mode as any class can spawn for either of the three alignments. Plus, he hasn’t really been helpful here.


Pug was clearly lying lol

I dunno if Dama stepping up is necessarily a scumtell. It was dumb but Dama doesn’t ever rlly read. Honestly I still think Psycho is probably the best lynch.

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I can sorta see Dama missing that because of IA, but he should lean towards at least telling us beforehand.

@Damafaud idk, be more townie? Actually do something n1? The last time I was in a game and someone claimed no action, they were scum.

Htm, Pug was 100% trying to bait me into claiming, it is irrelevant whether or not I have royal blood.

However one thing of interest is if Sketch did indeed root me d1, because that means I can’t be investigated.