SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

I swear 9/10 people say they’ve softed and they only think they’ve softed but confbias means they know what they’re looking for.


/vote HTM

Do you have any immunities? If so, which?

is it only possible to have either cult or unseen? I thought all 3 was possible in 1 game

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Ye it is probably,

wait so being BD Cult or Unseen has no effect? They all win together provided they’re all Adiart or Demwir?

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Im more on the fact that Bliz is trying to softclaim an “important” class but by deduction of softclaims, he isn’t. Hes doing PKR sht and bringing attention to himself like he knows he won’t get attacked by someone or something, aka the Dimwir.

I believe so

I see

At first, i thought it was some super complicated game where it was an Adiart VS Dimwir while a Blue Dragon vs Unseen vs Cult war happened as like a sub-faction

I skimmed the topic and missed it - could someone point out where Htm looked forced?

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That’s right, you could be any class but have an Adiart, Neutral or Dimwit wincon

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Adiart and Dimwit wincons are in the OP

I didn’t know what I was looking for to be honest, it all looks like RVS to me for the time being.
Of concern is the fact that Marl has changed his vote to HTM, which means he’s either picked up on Margaret breadcrumbing (which I don’t see yet because I’m a pleb) or he’s still just RVSing.

No I do not.

Tell me, do you think you’ll sleep peacefully tonight or not?

Address my concern
HTM, why did you feel the need to justify YOUR ABILITY TO SPELL A WORD CORRECTLY?

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/confirm my existent is right here


Marg saying Demwir incorrectly makes me think she is unlikely scum plus she just doesn’t feel scum by her AI (fakeclaiming prince and stuff etc)


I am just saying that if your demwir you should know how to spell it. Unless you read the OP but since I never read the OP I guess almost no one does. Though reading off of what I normally do isn’t good since not everyone does it tho

Note to self: Spell the scum faction wrong if I want to be scumread by HTM /s


I hardclaim Adriat.

What does Demwir means?