SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

How does a neutral observer work?

Same as neutral paladin king :^)

Blender always had hidden rolecards so not gonna answer that @Kirefitten - you can check Blender 1 if you really want to have some ideas.

I read through blender 1. I feel so bad for methnor that game, holy shit did he get fucked, converted by both Demwir and cult on the same night.


So is it only whether you’re Adiart or Demwir that matters? Cult, Unseen, BD, Neut, they donxt have tk fight each other if they’re both Adiart or both Demwir?

Yes. there can be a cult leader and a drunk that are adiart, which means they are on the same team. Aswell there are pure Neutral roles ex. Blender 1 Jammy Neutral Paladin King

Yeah I wasnxt able to see all role cards

yeah, its close. The most interesting thing is we have the potential to have so many different possible adiart and demwir teams, that this game is filled with small bastard mechanics and is honestly based around scum reading.





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Adiart Fool LUL

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It’s about time…



Eevee, what have you done to your friend?

