SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

Honestly I’d say to vote Hippo and if we find demwir we vote them instead

Nk hunter detected
/vote Hippo

I have a problem with voting this though, we don’t want Demwir to gain majority.
Good thing is though, as I said, I believe they don’t have many members alive due to the fact that they can convert.




I just found this.Why he would ask for physician and knight and observer d1 since only knight can even save him ?

Yeah i agree with that i am just pointing sus things what hippo said.I would like to look Psyhco too.

I agree but if we can’t find scum then we have to vote Hippo. Getting NK is better then getting nothing imo.

I really want this game to end before I bleed to death rn.

You’re bleeding? By who…?

idk all I know is that I am bleeding. Which is strange and makes me think Hippo is in fact the hunter NK

But like Captain said, the real NK or Demwir might be framing Hippo but if Hippo is neut he has no reason to not say hes neut unless hes NK/scum-sided neut

“Whenever you have the chance to, tell everyone that Hippo was the 4th NK who killed NB, Frost, and Meme. Frost actually tried to CS Hippo and died because of it, which means Hippo is a NK Hunter.”

“Also, he was the one to bleed Luxy.”

“And sincce multiple people are bleeding, kinda auto confirms the Hunter.”


"HTM is likely (80%) to be neutral from voting patterns

Which means he is likely telling the truth about Hippo. I can’t imagine a survivor role lying for a mislynch just to face some epic wrath the next day. I can see Hippo revenge bleeding a neutral survivor out of spite because Hippo hates neutrals in general. I knew Hippo’s tolerance of neutrals this game was strange… :thinking:"

"Nobody has claimed jailed yet, which means -

  1. There is no jailor
  2. The Prince has jailed scum each night and they don’t want to reveal that there IS one"

"I’m upgrading my read on Marcus to Demwir from today’s events.

My new scum team reads as;

Marcus, Captain and Insanity (possibly Marl thrown in)

Hippo is only not the NK if HTM is truly scum and not neutral. So Hippo is NK #1. It doesn’t even matter which Revenant we believe to be the NK/Scum because finding them is a coin flip game of WIFOM. I’d rather go play slots."

Tbh I want to lynch captain now that I think of it.

Livicus was pants on fired and he is still the only sage claim.

@Htm your stuck voting with adiart if you want a heal sir :wink:

What are celestes results kind spirit?

Also yeah we are kind of in trouble as we may need to lynch demwir and not the NK but we may be able to lynch the NK and lynch demwir tomorrow

You better heal me first.

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celeste hasn’t said anything yet i believe

lemme go check again

nope celeste hasn’t said shit yet

And then heal me. I need it… or I am going to have to go full aggressive mode to get scum as quick as possible so the game ends before me dying.

Vote Hip
Get rid of a NK, reduce KPN, vote Insert FE name scum here Demwir after. Right?

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@orangeandblack5 vote count please

/Vote Hippo

Soz hippo but you got caught

@Htm can you check psy tonight? Here’s the thing. If they occupy me tonight you can back me up saying they are demwir. Remember if you lie I get hung and you can’t get a heal :wink: @Marluxion you can gossip me or psy if you want to see if I get occupied or htms results.
@Luxy you know who to guard

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