SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

Tyrant Prince(ss) for

Oh I see that nk.I will come back later

Do u no da wae

You read him as Demwir aligned Alchemist?


celeste did whisper me asking if I was neutral and if I could side with her

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forgot to mention earlier

Ye sorry bout that

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Uhhh, you said Max.

Want to know a secret?

Nah I said i was either max or celeste to troll him :wink:


ok then.

/vote memesky


Memesky is claiming Hunter at this point, I think you voted first, so you would be getting the arrow (Unless if it works differently here). Although Memesky is a total dipnut, I wouldn’t suggest voting him

You have 3 votes squid.


I know I do, I’m just trying to contribute more to the conversation

Can you explain what reasons htm had that were bad enough for you to vote him?

It seemed pretty scummy that htm would be sus of Max just because he spelled Demwir right. There didn’t appear to be any other reason for the suspicion, so it rang an alarm in my head

To be honest, if a scum-aligned player would attempt to cause a mislynch I really don’t think they’d go for what HTM did.

We don’t know how htm as a player was thinking so maybe he is thinking about causing a mislynch over something so small. I’ll remove my vote, but I’ll keep an eye on him /unvote