SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

Lol we’ve derailed this game so badly in the last 100 posts.


I roll alignments then create the classes for you pretty balanced right. Right?

Can we get this back on track?

I demand that the host stay on their computer 24/7 tending to our every need.

Anyways… Pug is acting sus

Should exe him today

But the hosts name isn’t Marluxion

@Pug objections?

tbf I dunno why he is guarding FK, seems like he just wants to avoid conflict.

No? Okay
/vote pug

I mean I also thought of that but we can worry about that later because tonight I’m safe.

and before anyone says that makes no sense I said the exact same thing when Whammer listened to Fire and guarded him in Regicide for like no reason, and Whammer flipped scum.

I will steel you in cold

That’s what you think.

Celeste said she has royal blood and is gonna mega troll and become King

Im royal knight

I have a dayvig that kills me and my target
i can cs even king
Second abillity is some bleed duel

Hmm… I think that Maxi could be scum, he is the one that started the wagon and in a way he OMGUS’d me, I remember he did that before as non-scum but he also did it as scum not sure if it is anger from being voted or a sign of him being scum. it should have been pretty obvious what I was doing. That’s why I am most likely checking him tonight unless someone acts like an obvious scum. Him wanting to get checked is interesting tbh.(unless he claimed, I didn’t read everything)

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Understandable and i agree

Yeah tbh I do actually think Maxi is scum but I gave him a Hippo respecc token for his joke on PKR so I can’t push him for today.

1.If they are obvious scum they are getting lynched.

I really want to lynch Marcus or squid though.

Fuck off with the fake classes.