SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

So we should call you psychotic nurse rather than Prince?

But didnā€™t Pug say something special about his class type?

Iā€™m not basing it off what it says my boy, im basing off what i think it would be since ā€œSocialā€ doesnā€™t justify it

Maybe thatā€™s it


Nice backtracking :clap::clap:

/vote Celeste why the fuck did you claim lol.

Oh I know what it is.

Remember that loophole I found earlier. It involves the king:

Tbh, Marl knows I donā€™t classify classes by what it says lol

Unless you are fool in which case gj.

I love Day One antics anyways, at least I got people to understand why me no like Bliz

You are claiming a Killer class which is Neutral, claim to be Support/Offensive, and then switch to Social. Doesnā€™t take a genius to figure out it is very likely you are Neutral Killer.

Well I did admit to being tyrant prince earlier :thinking:

Hey Hippo, take a chill pill and realise youā€™re taking the Celeste claiming Prince thing too hard

Oh w8 did I fall 4 the b8 m8

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I should probably have said Defensive to troll Hippo since hes an oldie.

So basically you are NK-prince thing. /vote Marg

Idgaf claiming Neutral Prince seriously is in no way beneficial to BD and I want her dead. She has gotta learn purposefully trolling is gonna get her lynched D1 if she is town, which I highly doubt.

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htm donā€™t make me slap u again for claiming neut

Here is the problem with your mindset, u no understand my joke

Any1 who no understand my joke must be deaf

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