SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

it was meant to kill you


It was :thinking:

Does htm seem too calm for this btw? His goal is to survive yet he doesn’t seem afraid.

Could htm be fool?

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Do you think I would actually claim if I am fool :thinking:

I think we have time for one CFD if you believe Margaret is a better lynch. But Im not completely sold on the idea.
Otherwise my vote stays and I will push a psycho lynch today

This would be my play as fool:

HTM: We should convert Marl tonite

HTM: Oops uhh…

You’ve completely avoided the question and answered it with another question.

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btw do people get occ immune after 3 occupations/preventions in FoL too?

What is the question you want me to answer

If psycho claims Adiart Butler, that means Pug has to be Neut or Dimwir. Neut Cap is basically reached so probably Dimwir.

doesn’t king alignment usually ignore the caps?

I could give a damn about his claim, the way he was playing you gave him a polarised read didn’t you? Claiming butler rn ain’t all too helpful

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Neut cap is reached with one neutral claim?

Nah, it still has to follow the fact that two butlers have a low chance of being same faction

One? U mean four-five?

So you’re neutral then.

no fucking shit celeste is NK like i said 8 times


Nice opinion