SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

Hmm alright lemme think and subtract the possible classes from currently claims

Okay, so Im going to guess Hippo is an unconvertible of some form since he let me off easy with that to trick me in some form.

And due to him saying only D1 & previously stating he was death immune, Iā€™ll assume that he isnā€™t actually death immune now due to his continued strain of protective requestsā€¦

Under these conditions, Iā€™m definitely not going to guess Spiritualist. So Iā€™ll guess one of the normal NKs gone adiartā€¦ Which NK is the questionā€¦


Iā€™m just going to guess Reaper :woman_shrugging:

From the silence, Iā€™ll assume at least one of my statements was correct.

Surprisingly not awful but incorrect. I award you 1/2 a hippo respecc token.



Yo can I have that so I can have a whole hippo respecc token? Iā€™ll let you into my townblocc

I have no use being in your townblocc lol.

Fine, your loss

/vote Psyhco I saw the reason of push on him and he seems scumy tbh.
But Htm changed his class claim tho.I am still susp with him

Hes bled

He can be healed tho.We are not even sure Demwir doesnā€™t have physicians

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If heā€™s healed we know there is a neut/dimwit phys. Adiart healers are on specific instruction not to heal him

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Ya know the saying, fool me once, Iā€™ll jail you, fool me twice, iā€™ll execute you

@Alice Stop lurking and send some messages

At this point Iā€™m somewhat confident in Psycho being lynched.

Way too many hypothetical statements here. Statements such as this seem to be a flippant and wild AtEs that scum commonly do when theyā€™re being close to being lynched. Town still does this from time to time, but this is way too hard of a scum-tell for me. And with the rest of his posts is just too scummy to the point that I really doubt psycho is town.

Town players can remain their cool rather than flail when theyā€™re being a accused. Iā€™m not familiar with Psychoā€™s playstyle, but his comments on being death tunneled along the rest of his posts give me a bad vibe.

Way too reliant on mechanical confirmation. If you were town, you could have easily not scum-slipped at all.

In short, there are way too many scumtells in psychoā€™s posts for my taste.

/vote psychoneirik

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Chill, Iā€™ve been busy the entire day, plus I had to read all of Pug and Memeā€™s nonstop spam before I could answer.

