SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

But i want hippo as king

Yeah but I won’t become king

It’s way to flipping late for this LMAO. I’mma try and somehow ISO dive. But it’s 1 AM so please don’t be shocked if I pass out. If I don’t respond for like 20 minutes, I’m out for the count


Yeah but hippo might not have royalty.
Also reminder:

Confirmability means nothing.

Also are you princess or duchess?

Duchess, yeah I know but I just wanna confirm that I am a class who has RB

Maid can just check you know

@Blizer does htm have royal blood?

True, let Hippo become king and check me

We already have a maid claimer so it works

Let me check.

Okay if you die tonight htm will step up tomorrow.

If we wait a day I can step up the next instead of a neutral claim.

If you are trying to become King we are gonna have a problem FK.

But my token :frowning:

It lasts an entire day.

@eevee @orangeandblack5 Can we have a VC if you are available to do so.

Think about it this way.

Rather have a neutral or wait a day.

No questions ask htm is going to become king tomorrow. Wait a day.

I’d rather have me…

Soz hippo it’s either me or htm.

:skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: