SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

You rely too much on marl not being scum/converted

because we get wrecked over by scum marl in a lot of games when heā€™s not Prince

Well wonder why.

we trust him too much?


Plz let me live for investigation. Also I am sure there are better people to spike trap for protection reasons. @eevee / @orangeandblack5 if a person becomes king do they lose their bleeding btw or nah?

I think you keep the bleed, even if you become king. It would make no sense for someone that is poisoned or bleeding to be healed once they become king.


Rip me then.


I like your thought process though.

Oh your going to kill me.

Oh well.

Can you plz just keep me alive? I am useful for investigations, I can find out if reads are true or not by using dark wisp.

Weā€™ll see, based on what others say

Omae wa mou shindieru htm


Iā€™m suiciding tonight.

but we do need a lynch target

alright this be the part of the game where I ISO

htm - Neutral/Demwir - First of all.

i mean

htm literally claimed neutral princess

try something less obvious

oh, and /vote Pug

htm is going to die in two days if I spike trap him twice

we can lynch another non-Adiart claim

Well fuck I posted that shit too early.
htm - Neutral / Demwir - First of all. I am honestly not sure about what faction he could possibly be. I feel more inclined to think he is neutral, yet at the same time. I think heā€™s demwir. Safe lynch today if we run out of time though. So donā€™t kill him yet.
If he does step up with royal blood. Fucking kill his ass.

Firekitten - Demwirlean - While he does bring some good ideas to the table. Most of it is stuff pulled from nowhere and sheeping. Asking for protectives too also makes you pretty suspiciousā€¦

Iā€™m in the fucking middle of doing my isos.

I need to finish them.
I accidently posted the Htm one first.

htm - 50/50 - First of all. I am honestly not sure about what faction he could possibly be. I feel more inclined to think he is neutral, yet at the same time. I think heā€™s demwir. Safe lynch today if we run out of time though. So donā€™t kill him yet.
If he does step up with royal blood. Fucking kill his ass.

Hippo - Adiartlean - I did have to go through a little bit of shitposting but honestly. I think he has good intentions. Any TPs, please protect Hippo because heā€™s really good when heā€™s town.

Marl - Adiartlean - Honestly. Even if the first vote seemed extremely off as described by Hippo. I feel Marlā€™s playstyle isnā€™t aggressive and scumdriven here.

fuck you marl. Now youā€™re a demwirlean from me for this one.
/ s
but seriously, fuck you

Maximus - 50/50 - Honestly, itā€™s either main alignment tbh. I guess itā€™s just more dependent on what Htmā€™s alignment truly is.
If Htm is Neutral, I will have a demwirlean on him but if Htm is demwir Iā€™ll have an adiartlean.

Memesky - Null - He is doing his regular shitposting that he would do. So I cannot really determine what he is at this moment in the game.

Firekitten - Demwirlean - While he does bring some good ideas to the table. Most of it is stuff pulled from nowhere and sheeping. Asking for protectives excessively too also makes you pretty suspicious in my personal opinionā€¦

top postcount :thinking: get back to 2nd boi.

Damafaud - Null - Yā€™all are saying that he is for sure Adiart. Honestly, Iā€™m not really entirely convinced about everyoneā€™s DAMA IS CONFIRMED ADIART. I guess I just donā€™t really understand Damaā€™s playstyle very well and considering the low postcount, I canā€™t see it everyone.

I couldā€™ve just halfassed and just wrote CONFIRMED ADIART GET OUT EVERYONE HE SHALL NEVER EVER BE LYNCHED PROTECT FROM CONVERSION ALL THE TIME ALL DAY 24/7 24/9 ALL YEAR LONG. but I didnā€™t because thatā€™s just a LAMIST act. (yes I am aware I have done lamist things this game Iā€™m self aware everyone kthxbye)

PKR - Adiartlean - Iā€™m not disappointed at all. All his acts this game felt driven towards town. His plays here are another example of how I can see how he is respected in this community.

Moleland - Null - Pretty much the same with Dama, my lack of understanding of his playstyle. I guess he usually does the stuff heā€™d usually do.

Blizer - Null - Same as above except idk what he usually does.

Captain - Demwirlean - I know exactly what he softclaimed, I will out it if I have to but quite a chunk of his posts seem scummy. Also I donā€™t like his psycho vote.

I hate playing King because I truly canā€™t lead for shit.

Take these brain isos with a grain of lack of braincells.
I only am going to say my opinions from what I have seen.

  • Margaret - Null- does her usual shit
  • Squid - Null- havenā€™t seen enough
  • Marcus - Neutrallean - He has claimed neutral. While I feel this is true considering his attitude from when Iā€™ve seen him. At least he feels more of a genuine neutral than Htm does.
  • Sarun - Null- Same reason as Blizer.
  • Psycho - demwirlean - terrible reaction to push
  • Sketch - adiartlean - good intentioned from what Iā€™ve seen
  • Frostwolf - adiartlean - same as above
  • Livicus - 50/50- has said some dumb shit from my lack of memory but idk, something else from me feels a little okay with him inside. Probably Demwir is psycho is Adiart tbh.
  • Insanity - Null - Same reason as Squid

brain iso - an iso made just from what you remember in your brain (or lack of brain in my case).

Inactives are all null.

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