SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

How bad would noble be with gossip instead of order?

What I think happened is if Livic is saying the truth then scum are trying to make me their ally so I side with them

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Are we srsly suggesting htm is Demwir Sage now cuz damn son

Iā€™m not lying in this situation, this was a misplay of mine

and on that note can anyone heal me?

Lack of feedback would make Gossip kind of useless.

There it is.

No it would catch the feedback they didnā€™t receive

yeah it was a mistake, a misplay.

You arenā€™t informed if you heal bleeding so there will be no proof Livi was ever bled.

Demwir Sage with Royal blood :thinking:


Actually FK, Sage is his favourite class so it would make sense that he wouldnā€™t want to die.


no one heal me and let me die in two nights so that people will at least believe me posthumously

What? Why would FK randomly save Htm for no reason, esp when Fire said he wants to be King.

I remember that Livic said he would bleed FK somewhere so it maybe true

Litten didnā€™t claim Sage or CW if I remember

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When Litten was overreaching my arguments I threatened to bleed Litten so that I could prove myself before people suggested me to bleed you instead

Oh fair enough

He wasnā€™t trying to save HTM, he was trying to save himself.

Itā€™s a little far-fetched, but you get a knack for it waking up after playing Apollo Justice.

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I missed that

Oh guys Iā€™m not sage but I could be :wink:

Aka if you donā€™t know what I am then you should look at my post before