SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

Hi hippo.


Iā€™ll save you a chair.

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So youā€™re the 1/10 then?

I donā€™t do softclaims

Theyā€™re kinda pointless

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Also objection.
Why would I fakeclaim in blender.

Yet youā€™ve given hints to your role? How is that not related to softing?

A soft intended for only one person to understand is still a soft

I could use telepathy if I really wanted to.
I could use little bird if I really wanted to.
I could use pants on fire if I really wanted to.

That is literally irrelevant.

No it isnā€™t

I kinda think that Bliz maybe a fool hereā€¦ his posts have been sort of screaming fool to me or maybe thatā€™s what hes trying to do so he doesnā€™t get lynched.

I didnā€™t soft for anyone to understand, I said an off-hand comment of ā€œactually i really like one of my abilitiesā€ and I forgot I had a conversation with htm about something similar. I didnā€™t soft, I find it pointless and a waste of time so I never do.

Thatā€™s actually dumb. Not gonna lie.

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stop seeing fool everywhere goddamnit


Itā€™s a fool curse tho

Okay, first of all I wanna say the only duo Iā€™ve commented on so far were the initial pushed of Psycho and Sketch. Both of which, I still believe arenā€™t necessarily scum.

As for Bli, the problem is, we do not know if Eevee is following the recently changed one or not. Since every single card had to be made beforehand. Thus, if Blizer is Neutral Maid, it could be immediate results Shrug Which faction does Bli claim? Also, Bli, if you claimed Adiart, would you now wanna change your claim?

Secondly, odd behaviour? I believe theyā€™ve been overly pushy considering theyā€™re a newbie. Maybe itā€™s more of a sheep than a push, but, as Adiart, youā€™d wanna try and make a good first impression and Iā€™m not necessarily getting that from the posts too much. A problem with all of this is that Bli has had some good contributory posts, that show me that there is some town motivation. More than can be said for some certain spammers in these games. As a result, dependent on willingness to change claim, I will say my beliefs for his true faction.

Itā€™s kinda too late to not execute though.

Omae wa mou shindieru

@Blizer Begone and die by my lynch!

Honestly @Livicus you should snare trap captain to prevent redirecting killers away from him.

Even if we have no killers we can still prevent him from using abilities.