SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

Sure I’ll jail them very hard :wink:

do it, i’ve used pants on fire on you so you’ll jail yourself :^)

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I’m going to jail his pardoners anyways since, they can in fact be scum that know hes good so trying to pardon for town credit.

Nah dont worry Marl, I chose my jail target first 10 mins of game :wink:

So In reality, I’m the one who is jailing you! Mwahahaha!

Lol no

Lol I pants’d you 25 seconds into the game

I legit chose my target first 10 mins of game, and u say u PoF’d? Explains why Livi bled himself :pogchamp:

O dam nice

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I’ll stop my D1 antics immediately at start of Day 2 (which means that I may change my claim).

If you scroll up far enough, you’ll see that some people claim the cards were made before the EFoL changes, some say they were changed upon the announcement. I think the point whether Maid gets results or not is moot in light of this.

What matters most is whether he will flip scum or not

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Nothing can stop the Spiritualist from becoming Revenant.

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This really doesn’t sound like scum. This was where he was pretty much on death row. I can’t see any instance of scum! Blizer saying this and the whole post like it. I think he does similar to what I did in SFoL:

Just shut up and accept it.

My vote for pardon will not be changed. And I will be highly suspicious of anyone who votes to execute this.

Follow my logic
You’re fine going into the first night with ABSOLUTELY no information?

He gets revived by Priest I bet.

Explain to me why


Because at the end of the day numbers are more important than infomation, and if this has an incredible chance of being a mislynch on an adiart thats one step closer to losing for adiart.

I’ll take no infomation any day.