SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

But this is from blizer.

I may have had the biggest brain fart i had ever had. I serviced Marcus yesterday, because i had infinite uses of it and wanted to find someone who was not noble to be someone who i could safely use for matching. HTM could be lying about the Duchess claim. Force him to step up as king and threaten to lynch him if he doesnt. Im so sorry, that was honestly the worst thing i did yesterday in general and was awful, but my train of thought when i used service on marcus was to find demwir and to make sure that one of my N1 matchmake targets werent noble. Please tell BD this ASAP.

Yeah he should have owned up to this.

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can we stop stalling and start voting up scum please

Why do you want to vote HTM over Dama or Psycho?

Because I dont believe his neutral investigative claim

Pretty ballsy to fake Royal Blood, based on Blizā€™s flip

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Yeahā€¦ Faking royal blood can easily be caught.
For example, if we killed King, Dama steps up and then proves theyā€™re a form of princess/duchess/whatever.
If they donā€™t, we vote them afterwards

Unless I missed it I donā€™t think marcus has stepped up and according to pug he has royal bloodā€¦ Shouldnā€™t we be voting them?

wait I think I misread that he was refering to make htm step up not marcus, my b

Both Dama and HTM claim royal blood?
If so, then we can have both checked at same time by royal stepping up maybe Shrug

Can we update the OP please.

/vote posionedsquid

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Dama stepped up already, but they stepped up without warning after we all agreed to let hippo be king so that is kinda susp. Htm claimed duchess, Im not sure if he stepped up already or not tho.

@Htm if elections havenā€™t ended and if you can do so, step up.
We want royal blood proof.

Pkr you do know this is blender and he has no excuse to lie about his class right?

I have no doubt heā€™s duchess itā€™s just which alignment.

Also who was the noble claim was it Luxy?

/vote Luxy

seems like the safest King vote imo

Did Luxy step up?
Also, ermmm, safest? Iā€™ve never heard of them

Apparently Sarun or someone else checked them and they are fine


Alright, Iā€™ll check that out.
Furthermore, Psycho, we donā€™t know their playstyle anyway.
So their reliability is ehhhhh. Itā€™s a worry, but weā€™ll see ^-^

They are Samā€™s replacement so we could try to ISO Samā€™s d1 posts as well I guess