SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

She claimed nightwatch

In the class card thread

No she claimed that noble could do that or a neutral noble could do that.
I know her claim.

There’s different meanings to the word claim.

I see, and how does she know?

ok rebellious 12 yr old girl

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Or did she claim Neutral Nightwatch

I don’t bother reading into town softs as half the time they scum anyway.

She said a noble could prob do that.

rawr :girl:


@PoisonedSquid u being voted boyo

Probably makes sense, I’d guess Demwir Noble/Aristo has that power

Every time i say psycho is still megasus it never sticks which makes me think it’s even more likely he scum.

I’m asking very nicely to not be occupied because I have made up my mind now that 2 protectives have died.

@Margaret can you please follow me again or not.

I’m willing to hang them because they are saying they will occupy me.

Plus they could be scum

Celeste should prolly peek someone tbh, at the rate this game is going it’ll be decided by D4.


That statement is making me rethink what I’m going to do.

Go Phys if you can

Hippo my class is glorious.

I can pick anything regardless if it’s dead or not.

(Only unseen tho)

Go Adiart Soulcatcher

Hopefully it just priest