I have reason to believe they’ve unlocked a convert.
As my class card mentions both alignment and factional conversion now.
Whereas before it only mentioned alignment.
Got updated like Saturday or Sunday?
I got zero results
and i wasn’t added to any kind of neighborhood chat
Did you warp on HTM?
I warped Marcus because I wanted added to his chat
You what?
You were suppose to see HTM results so he couldn’t lie to us about the alignments.
If only we had a ghost to tell us celestes results…
Somehow I didn’t get any results from n2. At this point I’m quite sure Demwir likely has a blocker or prevention.
Who did you check? Livicus may of snared
Dama as Marcus was vined and Insanity and HTM checked the other suspicious players around here.
And you know what bothers me. Marl didn’t listen to our plan.
He found htm scummy. yet didn’t even want to get his results.
I really want to lynch captain as we confirmed their is a sage and livicus was pants on fire.
Also wouldn’t mind a Dama/psy lynch as either one of them could of occupied you since liv snared captain.
It’s almost like psycho the butler is scum like I’ve said for 18 years
asking for a friend
was htm not modbl- i mean
I dont actually care about htm because he’s going to be lynched anyway
Marcus lied to me
so he must die
/vote Marcus
@Marcus_Doodalee what have you done with my real mastermind?
That’s not the point. You were suppose to see if someone was demwir or not so htm couldn’t lie about his results
Also I knew we should of voted Marcus BUT NOO
I don’t care about HTM
I already told you
I was going to prove Marcus either innocent or guilty last night 100% of the time